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Here we try to answer recurring questions about WLED and our controllers. If you have any suggestions for topics, please contact us at

This FAQ covers the following products:

WLED restarts every 60s with Fritz!Box?#

Unfortunately, there currently is a problem with the stable version of WLED together with the Fritz!Box since Fritz!OS version 7.50. There is already a longer issue on GitHub:

An alternative firmware (MoonModules) can be installed as a workaround via Manual OTA under Config -> Security & Updates. The required firmware files can be found in the issue:

Nothing works after factory reset!#

Please check LED Preferences whether the GPIO setting for the connected LED strips is still correct. For V0.8/V0.10, for example, the connections 16/18 are used at the screw terminals. See WLED Controller Versions and the corresponding Instructions.